Spring News

I am very happy to announce I received three year funding from the Finnish Cultural Foundation. In my project funding application, I described my plans with the working title Private body and movement language as a performance (in a public space). It gives some hint of whereabouts my thoughts are, as well as in which direction I am aiming to go.

The original plan was to start to work in the beginning of April. Due to all the stress this weird corona situation has given (including postponing me returning to Belgium from already extended period of time being in my home country Finland, re-organizing my plans), I decided to postpone the start of the project by one month. May it will be!

Saying that, now when we are reaching the middle of April, I realized, I have actually started working. During this social isolation, I have kept myself busy with different online dance classes, movement meditations, physical lectures and alike. I wrote to Cultural Foundation: the ’theory’ of some of the projects I am planning to work with are based on to the different free dance and somatic practises. So indeed all these 5Rhythms sessions, Gaga People classes, Six Viewpoints try-outs, contemporary dance workshops done in a solitude of my temporary home are first steps towards something new.

At the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s annual celebration on 27th February 2020