
Welcome to my artist talk in Embassy of Finland, Brussels 25th of October 5.30-7pm

You are warmly welcomed to attend an artist talk of Eeva-Mari Haikala at Embassy of Finland on 25.10.2017 from 17.30 to 19.00. In her talk, she focuses on the possibilities of the physical expression and the painterly on lens-based art.

Eeva-Mari Haikala is a Finnish multidisciplinary artist working mostly with video, photography, performance and text. She has received a PhD from Roehampton University’s Drama, Theatre and Performance department. At the moment Haikala is having a solo show in Brussels V/MSP Gallery (open until 16.12.2017).

The talk is held on Embassy of Finland, Avenue de Cortenbergh 80, 1000 Bruxelles.

Registration (mandatory) by 23.10


A Cooking Pot in Meetings Video-og performancefestival

A Cooking Pot will be shown as a part of MEETINGS Video and Performance Festival in Vemb, Denmark during the first weekend of September 2017. The screening is curated and presented by Leena Kela.

“How do we influence the things (objects, beings and entities) in our surrounding and how do they influence us? The more we see the things in our everyday life, the more we become blind to them. This video screening focuses on taking a closer look at our surrounding, seeing how the things interact with us, each other and the space around them. The screening is dedicated to meeting with the things around us.”

Aikaa tukahduttamassa. Esitysarvio Liikekieli.comissa 16.3.2017

Aikaa tukahduttamassa

Kirjoitin Liikekieli.comiin muistista, ajasta ja kirjoittamisesta nähtyäni Boris Charmatzin ja Emmanuelle Huynh’n Kaai-teatterissa Brysselissä. Esityksen ja yllä olevan tekstin kirjoittamisen välillä oli kulunut reilut pari viikkoa. Yleensä arviot tulee kirjoitettua lähes heti esityksen tai näyttelyn näkemisen jälkeen, mutta tähän aiheeseen tauko sopi sisällöllisestikin.